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Lloyd Mathias


The author is an Angel Investor and Business Strategist

Latest Articles By Lloyd Mathias

Have Businesses Forgotten 'Story With Substance' ?

It's time for a paradigm shift that champions narratives deeply rooted in truth, purpose, and genuine worth, for it is in 'Story with Substance' that we find not only success but also the moral and ethical high ground that businesses must uphold

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Digital Multi-level Marketing Fuelling Ad Fraud

According to projections, advertising fraud is expected to cost USD 68 billion in losses

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How Digital Multi-Level Marketing Is Fuelling Ad Fraud

According to projections, advertising fraud is expected to cost $68 billion in losses

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How To Connect Business Strategy With Social Media?

For a marketer, it is almost impossible to ensure that his target audience sifting through the chatter finds just what he wants them to dig up. To make this engagement relevant and impressionable, he needs to consider the following aspects of social media.

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How To Connect Business Strategy With Social Media?

Brands big and small are realising this – but the challenge remains: how does one engage on social media without annoying the user? Remember she’s on social media to entertain herself, just hang out and do her thing.

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Why Modern Marketers Must be Data-Driven

If data is the new oil, then modern marketers should be actively using this currency to make their marketing efforts more effective. Even then, there is an overabundance of data availability today, and not all of it provides terrific insights

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RetailTech: The Next Hot Spot

There is also an opportunity in aggregation by building efficiencies across thousands of independent stores by leveraging data to create network economy and scale across supply chain, procurement, distribution, and logistics for a network of retailers. India is on the threshold of a retail revolution and RetailTech can lead the way.

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