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Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra


The author has over 40 years of experience in Vedic Astrology as a professional and over over 45 years of experience as a learner. With several of his students as leading astrologers and clients across countries and industries, he has an expertise in guiding not just people, but also businesses, industries, political parties and media houses.

Latest Articles By Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra

Astrological Significance Of Narendra Modi’s Third Term And Its Future Prospects

The government’s focus will likely be on trade, agriculture, communication, and infrastructure, with potential challenges in communal harmony, capital market, high education and intellectual sectors. The broader astrological context suggests a period of significant upheaval and strong public reactions

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Solar Eclipse And Its Impact On Individual & Global Events

The government will find it difficult to project a good image on the masses. So the planetary influence for the coming three months is not very bright.

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Astrological Insight For India On The Upcoming Hindu New Year -Vikram Samvatsar 2078

The day of commencement of the Hindu New Year decides the Samvatsar and the King for that year. The King being the planet that will play the most significant role in shaping the year.

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Solar Eclipse: A Ring Of Fire

The phenomenon of the eclipse is interpreted in the usual astrological way. The eclipse occurs in Sagittarius sign and in Mula nakshatra. Apart from Sun, Moon and Ketu Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury are also involved as they are also transiting through Sagittarius.

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Astrology And Coronavirus

Some relief from this phenomenon after August but major relief will happen in 2021 i.e when the vaccines for coronavirus are developed.

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Astro Speak: Hindu New Year & Implications (2020-21)

Day of commencement of Hindu new year decides the samvatsar and planetary king of that year which guides the events of the whole year.

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