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Sourajit Aiyer


Sourajit Aiyer, Research Writer, South Asia Fast Track Sustainability Communications

Latest Articles By Sourajit Aiyer

Korea Pioneers A Way To Scale Up Social Impact Bonds In A post-COVID world

Diversification into more sectors and areas of outcome by innovating smartly will help scale up private capital for social good. That will only benefit people’s life – the ultimate purpose of technology!

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A Social Algorithm Tool Gives Covid-19 Relief To India’s Informal Sector

Peer nations should learn and collaborate with this pioneering example from India to create meaningful benefits during these times of social stress!

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Indore’s Pioneering Floating Solar Funding Model Can Scale Up Solar In A post-Covid India

The coronavirus lockdown has accentuated the challenges by stalling the supply of panels imported from China and reducing the discoms’ motivation towards the rooftop solar segment and its net metering arrangements owing to the drop in demand from their staple industrial clients.

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Financing Mumbai’s flood resilience

Over the next few months, we need to see whether the government can pleasantly surprise us by ameliorating Mumbai’s flood-resilience before the next monsoon hits us in July 2020!

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