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Srinath Sridharan


Strategic counsel for over 27 years, with leading corporates across diverse sectors. Independent Director across multiple sectors. Advises organisations on the intersection of finance, digital, consumption economy, GEMZ (Gig Economy, Millennials, gen Z) & ESG. Coaches & mentors senior leaders. Active engagement across industry-growth policy conversations & public policy issues. Visiting faculty at various management schools and with regulatory learning centres. Prolific media columnist across topics he works with. He is also the Editor and co-author of ‘Time for Bharat’ (book on public governance). Visiting Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation. Posts all published work at

Latest Articles By Srinath Sridharan

What Indian Family Businesses Can Teach Musk

They have to deal with multiple stakeholders – governments, policy makers, regulators, market influencers, analysts, bankers, vendors, employees, and more. Their actions are constantly watched by these stakeholders, and opinions formed.

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IBC - A W.I.P. Is Better Than R.I.P

Despite much criticism of the IBC, one has to accept that it has proved far more effective than any other way of recovering lender monies. The correct way to validate its effectiveness would be to compare the resolution value to the liquidation value and not the total loans

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NirmalaNomics Meets ModiPolitics

The baton now passes to the Executive, to deliver these policy into realistic outcomes. This Budget has set the pace with the - India matters - theme!

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History’s Message For Virtual Digital Asset Regulations

The larger worry is no one wants to be the fall-guy in case something implodes

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Is Gender Budgeting A Mere Lip Service?

Gender budgeting has a sure role to play currently and maybe until India can proudly and naturally state that it has fully tapped its 'Nari Shakti' potential

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Rethinking Virtual Digital Assets & Taxation

High taxation won’t only break the backbone of a startup sector and its investor-users, but might drive it to other welcoming economies

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On Unconscionable Bargains, All Around Us

Does an employee have the liberty to say ‘no’ to standard employment letter wordings? Do they even stand a chance to negotiate with the almighty HR who stands at the door of their employment opportunity?

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What Indian Family Businesses Can Teach Musk

Change is inevitable and must be embraced by any business that wants to succeed. Smart enterprises have always ensured that all of their stakeholders are on board with the need to evolve, and to constantly change

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Why It Will Be A Realistic Budget, Not A Dream One

The combined fiscal deficit of the Centre and all states is above 10 per cent of the GDP. This is the reason why much of the capex spending into newer projects and capacity expansion would have to come from private industrialists, entrepreneurs and private investors. Will this budget see a warmer reception to them?

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Year End Renewals & Happy New Year Rituals

In this modern technological era, human well-being and personal sustenance is central. We do know that all factors have fatigue and stress and need an overhaul to rejuvenate. For humans, this may take the form of a retreat, a vacation, doing something more relaxed and pleasurable

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