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Minhaz Merchant


Minhaz Merchant is the biographer of Rajiv Gandhi and Aditya Birla and author of The New Clash of Civilizations (Rupa, 2014). He is founder of Sterling Newspapers Pvt. Ltd. which was acquired by the Indian Express group

Latest Articles By Minhaz Merchant

Here Come The Millennials

For India, the millennials can be both a boon and bane. The 10 million young people graduating every year into the workforce need jobs

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Foreign Money, Indian benefit

It is an opportune moment for policymakers to change their mindset and relentlessly use foreign money for India’s benefit just as the reverse occurred during British colonial rule

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The Future Perfect India

If new Delhi plays its cards well, the combination of hard and soft power will finally allow India to punch at its true geopolitical weight. If it does that, India could well emerge as a pivotal power between the declining west and the emerging east

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Needed: Reform 3.0

The Modi government is strong on ideas but weak on execution. Nothing demonstrates this more pointedly than tax

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Obama’s Failed Dream

In the latest real clear politics poll of polls, Obama’s “approval” rating is 45 per cent. Not many us presidents have had such low popularity ratings with the exception of the reviled Richard Nixon and the bumbling George W. Bush

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Flat Tax, Part 2

As the 2016-17 Union Budget nears, it’s a good time to re-examine some concrete numbers on personal income-tax

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India’s Hidden Prison Problem

The key problem is India’s criminal justice system. Over three crore cases are pending in various courts. The biggest victims are poor undertrial prisoners who don’t have money to pay bail

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The Chinese Puzzle

The launch on 16 January in Beijing of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank as a counterweight to the us-dominated World Bank is an indication of China’s determination to expand its global financial role

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Harvard Study Places India On Top

The Harvard researchers predict that Indian GDP will expand at an average of 6.98 per cent till 2025. This means nominal GDP will nearly double to around $4.50 trillion in 2025 at current exchange rates

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Union Budgets Are Not For Tax Tinkering

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley will tinker with taxes: an increase of Rs 25,000 in exemptions here, a 5 per cent cut in excise duty there, a tweak in personal income-tax slabs everywhere

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