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Pranjal Sharma


Pranjal Sharma has been analysing, commenting and writing on economic and development policy in India for 25 years. He has worked in print, TV and digital media in leadership positions and guided teams to interpret economic change and India’s engagement with the world

Latest Articles By Pranjal Sharma

Politics Of Policy | An Effort For Efficiency

Forget the debate on passenger fares. Minister Suresh Prabhu is trying to transform Indian Railways into an efficient, effective and exciting organisation

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Politics Of Policy | Rein In The Gunslingers

The efficient effort on Make in India is being undermined by arbitrary decisions by government that threatens the autonomy of private enterprises

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Harnessing A Revolution

Humans will have to think faster than machines to efficiently harness the fourth industrial revolution that's already upon us

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Davos Diary | Ready For A New World?

Of the revolutions that the world will experience, some will be sharp, some short and some deep. Some revolutions will begin this year, some will peter out and some will gain momentum

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Politics Of Policy | For Passion, Not Profit

Innovation and enterprise in India is being led by the young and the daring. As large organizations struggle to transform, young entrepreneurs will lead the way in being smart and responsible

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Politics Of Policy | Creating Credit Worthiness

Bringing 800 million Indians in the financial mainstream should not be just about bank accounts, it has to be about creating credit worthy borrowers

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