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Simar Singh


Simar Singh is one of the youngest members of the BW team. A fresh graduate from IIMC, she also holds a degree in political science from LSR. She enjoys covering power, startups, lifestyle and a little bit of tech.

Latest Articles By Simar Singh

5 Top Cybersecurity Trends For 2016

As 2016 approaches, Fortinet has made its annual predictions of the most significant trends in malware and network security going into 2016. As in years past, the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud play heavily in the predictions but new malicious tactics and strategies will create unique challenges for vendors and organizations alike. (Credit: Fortinet)

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Very Apt Reactions To Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s statement suggesting that Muslims should be banned from entering the US has directly drawn attention to the brazenly rising anti-Islamic sentiments. Alarmed, public personalities have come out in criticism for the same with Google’s Sundar Pichai being the latest. Here’s what they’ve had to see about this:

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5 Tips For Better Networking

Yes, it is not very exciting and can sometimes be downright awkward but networking is essential for any successful professional. However, it is often relegated to the very basic shake hands exchange business cards approach which can be extremely ineffective. Here are 5 ways up one’s networking game:

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5 Ways To Make Your Resume Stand Out From The Pack

HR departments in companies are pretty much swamped with resumes and according to some researchers, recruiters spend a mere six seconds skimming through and making a quick judgement. Here are a few tips to make sure that you don’t end up in the rejected pile:

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5 Things To Know About The Salman Khan 2002 Hit And Run Case

Much to the relief of the man himself and the legions of fans and to the dismay of the victims and their families, the Bombay High Court has acquitted Salman Khan in the 2002 hit and run case, citing that he could not be convicted on the basis of the evidence submitted by the prosecution. This has set aside the sessions court May verdict. Here are 5 things to know about the case:

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Top 5 Controversial Statements Made By Donald Trump

Donald J.Trump just can’t seem to stay out of the news for his often careless and unapologetically downright controversial statements. The Republican frontrunner just caused an uproar over his call for a shutdown of Muslims entering the United States, until “representatives can figure out what is going on”. From women to Mexicans, no one has been spared of Trump’s idiopathic wrath. Here are some the most bizarre and offensive statements made by the toupee enthusiast himself.

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5 Classic Investment Options

For those uninitiated to the world of finance, investing often seems like a daunting and perplexing concept. Of course, everyone dreams of being one of those fabulously wealthy Dalal Street honchos, but stocks may seem too risky. Here are five basic and pretty safe investment options that can be considered to kick-start your portfolio.

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The Road To Paris: A Look Back At The Climate Conferences

While hopes are pinned to the ongoing negotiations in Paris, climate change is an issue that the world has been trying to arrive at a consensus for nearly three decades now. Here’s a look back at the rocky road of international climate negotiations.

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What To Expect From COP21

2015 will go down as the year of renewed commitments, with the Sustainable Development Goals and the COP21 which kicked off in Paris today. Climate Change has become one of the most pressing contemporary issues and there is a lot of hope pinned on the Paris summit to broker a globally acceptable deal to move towards a sustainable future. Here is what to expect from the summit:

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5 Underrated Places To Include On Your Bucket List

While well-known places like Paris, the Grand Canyon and the Great Barrier Reef are definitely worth visiting, while planning trips there is often a tendency to get fixated with these and forget about the hidden gems tucked around the world.

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