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Prasar Sharma


The author is Director BW Businessworld Media Private Limited

Latest Articles By Prasar Sharma

Budget 2024-25
Budget 2024: Great Fiscal Intent; Complete Apathy To Loyal Voters

While the government has presented a budget which is technically sound, the complete lack of real reform to complement the budget; and almost deliberate inaction against, maybe even passive encouragement of, bureaucratic terrorism will be the death knell for the government

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Maximising Settlements Under The IBC– CoC Successes Point To Improving Outcomes

As processes under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code evolve, the role of the Committee of Creditors (CoC) is becoming crucial in maximizing value. Recent successes in this aspect are an encouraging sign for the future

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Maximisation Of Value Key To Successful Resolution Plan

The companies, buying good quality assets under IBC process, should not be allowed to misuse the system or process that may cause loss to the nation’s banking system

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Reorienting Governance Focus - Operational Versus External

Impact of poor jurisprudence and corruption on the institution of Independent Directors

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LIC IPO: A Small First Step That Will Hopefully Lead To A Long Pending Reform

As we wait with bated breath for the government finally having no business doing business, the LIC IPO – more tokenism than real reform – could be a small first step in the right direction

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Empowering Swifter Action Against Black Money

Government issues additional circular to bolster its earlier guidelines for faster action under Black Money Act

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The Inevitability Of Doom – When Hype Overtakes Fundamentals

Global Markets have made space for loss making startups, but with no path to profitability and exorbitant expenses there is no case for the market to support them

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Second Careers Abound As IPO & Buyout Activity Takes Root

Setting up a bespoke investment firm or family office is becoming common as the flexibility these bring in outweighs the constraints that come with managing third party capital.

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Time To Truly Leverage Technology

Traditional jobs are coming to an end. The future belongs to those who will develop, deliver & operate technology-based solutions.

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What The Government Should Do

This government, with a mandate unprecedented in modern India, and having shown flashes of determination, needs to stand up now to deliver a robust world-leading stimulus – one which can only be delivered by using this black swan event to reform its bureaucracy to one that works for the people rather than one that ‘controls’ it.

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