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Vidur Sahgal


The author is Self taught & thought intellectual academic, in out of the box macroeconomic policy, since 1984-85. His website is

Latest Articles By Vidur Sahgal

A Plan of Action To Battle Covid-19 Pandemic

If government employees have been kept on full pay and the government has ordered the lockdown, then rightly, the government should also consider keeping everyone else on the payroll, at least till the economy restarts after the lockdown is lifted and all citizens are vaccinated.

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The Latest Model & Different Choices Market Economies

The normal pitfall of choices may make us fall into preferring a higher number of choices, where quality could be suspect between the product & service choices available in the economic products & services portfolio

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Marketing Mix & Competition

What's competition? Competition is a very misunderstood and misused word. A lot of negativity arises because of misinterpreting this word. This does not have to be the case.

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Needs, Wants & Desires. Rich & Poor

The difference between the Rich and the Poor is merely a comfort factor, with The Rich being able to afford the Premium Brands of ENPS, while the poor can only afford the generic or cheaper brands of ENPS which are, or some of which, can be provided free of cost.

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COVID-19 Pandemic: An opportunity To Clean & Green India

This is the opportunity that COVID-19 has provided us and it is up to the GOI to enforce……. a clean & green India in the making……lets start immediately as everyday is precious!

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Smart City & Other Project Land Procurement: Strategy & Procedures

Vocational training & skilling to support the smart city requirements in some commercial activity along with microcredit to be provided, if desired by the displaced person(s)/Family(ies) to build support facilities to the smart city

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Real Estate: Rent=EMI=HRA

Proper & adequate building maintenance for residential and commercial houses, apartments and offices should be made compulsory.

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Planned & Organized Deficit Spending

Our population of 1.3 billion citizens entitles us to be ambitious and PODS can show the way to be so. It is to be noted that PODS is universally applicable also.

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Organized & Planned Deficit Spending

The substandard people should be given the business opportunity on priority basis

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