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Prabodh Krishna


The author is correspondent with BW Businessworld

Latest Articles By Prabodh Krishna

Agriculture Marketing Reforms: Why APLM Act May Become Future

A former chairman of committee for agricultural cost and prices said that ‘response to the implementation of the model APMC act was not very enthusiastic’

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Why Indian Agriculture Is Not On Permanent Decline

Indian's agriculture ranks second in the world agricultural production” says food and agriculture organisation of United Nations and yet there are continuous reports of agriculture being on permanent decline

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‘Providing Access To Finance Is Critical To Farmers’

The record production of all major food grains in previous year and increased supplies amidst weak demand have remained the major causes of the price fall

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India Do Not Use Excessive Crop Protection Chemicals

Global production of major crops has increased significantly and it is somehow driven by plant science innovations like pest control products

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Crop Protection Chemicals Destroyed Aquatic System In India

Increase in agricultural activity leads to deterioration of land and water bodies in locality, the recent Bengaluru lake disaster where fishes died had proven it once again

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Agriculture Production & Rainfall: Myths Or Reality

It is clearly visible that agriculture production in India has not at all been on a serious decline over the years, despite low rainfalls

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Local Crop Has More Resistance To Climate Change: Co-Founder, CropConnect

Unless there is demand in the market farmers do not grow their products. Demand of the right product is all that matters

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Organic Farming In India: A Vision or Challenge To National Food Security

It is though a doubtful vision of thinking a sustainable future in agriculture through organic farming

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Farmers’ Suicide Row: Truth Or A Diabolical Design

Number of non-agricultural professionals and housewives who committed suicide was 90 per cent of total suicides in 2015’s record

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'Pace Of Rajasthan's Agricultural Growth Has No Match'

In an exclusive interview with BW Businessworld, Agriculture Minister of Rajasthan Prabhu Lal Saini talks on various issues related to agriculture and practices and specially about Rajasthan, which was once known for its dunes is now recognised by the pace of its agricultural growth in India

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