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Sheena Sachdeva


She is a reporter with BW Businessworld.

Latest Articles By Sheena Sachdeva

How The New Environment Minister Can Balance Ecology And Economics

This World Environment Day, the new Environment Minister in the Modi government is faced with a host of challenges.

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DBS Bank India: Nurturing Its Talent Pool

Surojit Shome, CEO, DBS Bank India, talks about the bank’s inclusive work environment

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IndiaFirst Life Insurance: Merit-based Ecosystem

R. M. Vishakha, MD and CEO, IndiaFirst Life Insurance, talks about the organisation’s employee-centric culture

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Tap Global Supply Chains And Implement Kelkar Panel Proposals: Arvind Virmani

Arvind Virmani, Chairman of EGROW Foundation and former Chief Economic Advisor of India as well as Executive Director, International Monetary Fund, shares his views on the economy and offers significant recommendations

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Why Is Informed Menstrual Product Choice Important

Informed product choice enables girls and women to choose a safe menstrual hygiene product according to her needs and comfort, her ability to pay, and the context in which she lives and experiences menstruation.

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Tapping On Global Supply Chains & Implementation Of Kelkar Committee Should Be Prioritized: Arvind Virmani

In an interview with BW Businessworld, Arvind Virmani, Chairman of EGROW Foundation, Former Executive Director of International Monetary Fund, Former Chief Economic Advisor, talks about few significant recommendations keeping in mind the current state of economy in India

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We Need To Look Into Safety Nets In A Holistic Manner To Gain Traction

In an interview with BW Businessworld, Dr. Hameed Nuru, Representative and Country Director, United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) – India, discusses the current state of food and nutrition programmes of India and its challenges

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