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Neeta Bhushan


An emotional intelligence advocate, Bhushan is founder of the Global GRIT Institute

Latest Articles By Neeta Bhushan

How Entrepreneurs Can Prepare Their Mindset For The Toughest Clients

A tough client makes your job particularly difficult and often exhausting. To be able to continue doing what you do best, you will need to factor in extra time out here to calm your thoughts

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5 Ways To Determine Emotional Intelligence When Hiring And Recruiting

Try to relax and avoid portraying any negative energy such as crossed arms or legs

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5 Ways Employing Emotional Intelligence Can Land You New Clients

By gaining a thorough understanding of the way someone listens, organizes and communicates the information you deal them, you'll be able to pick up on subtle signs as to how to conduct future productive conversations with them

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3 Traits That Will Kill Your Career

Anger is an absolute deal breaker. Who wants to be around someone unable to properly process their emotions?

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Why We Need EQ For Leadership

As leaders, entrepreneurs, icons, and business luminaries, learning to lead with character is imperative, and it’s essentially missing in business schools

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