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Ejaz Ghani


Ejaz Ghani is currently a Senior Fellow at the Pune International Center. He was previously the Lead Economist at the World Bank and has worked on Africa, East Asia, South Asia, Corporate Strategy, and Independent Evaluation Unit.

Latest Articles By Ejaz Ghani

What Can India Do On Climate Finance?

India is at an early stage of development and its climate finance-related infrastructure needs are huge, It can jump straight into second-generation infrastructure projects now, writes Ejaz Ghani

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India’s Digital Revolution And Governance

Digital connectivity has been enabled by the increase in the number of smartphones that has enabled India to leap-frog and access long-distance communications, writes Ejaz Ghani

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Reshaping India’s Fiscal Policy

India is already a highly decentralised country, but it is not meeting its goal of promoting more inclusive growth. It needs to promote fiscal democracy and a shift from a top-down to a bottom-up approach to promote inclusive growth

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Rise Of Manufacturing In Rural India

The paths of urbanisation and industrialisation have diverged in India. The share of the manufacturing sector in urban areas is declining and increasing in rural areas. India’s future growth is where one would least expect it to be—it is in the rural areas, and not megacities

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Can India Escape Global Economic Downturn?

India has been viewed as an exception and a bright spot in this global downturn. The latest projections by IMF show that India will remain the fastest growing major economy this year and next year

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How Can India Benefit From Its Demographic Dividend?

India is at a point in its demographic transition where a policy environment needs to be created to maximise the chance of capturing the demographic dividend

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How Can India Promote Innovation And Entrepreneurship?

 The battle for control of the global economy in the 21st century will be won and lost on the pace of innovation and adaptation of technologies

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How Should India Shape Its Service Revolution?

India has become home to major outsourcing companies in IT administration, business processes, and customer service. The future of the digital economy is bright

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Can India Blast Off Into 21st Century?

India currently ranks 52 among 130 economies in the Global Innovation ranking. However, India has experienced one of the fastest improvements in global innovation rankings

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What Can India Teach Us About Global Trade?

There is a great deal one can learn from the past on how trade impacted economic growth and job creation. India provides a rich data set that can shed light on whether trade helped or hindered shared prosperity

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