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Mohit Charnalia


The writer is Director & Head of Risk, Billionloans Financial Services

Latest Articles By Mohit Charnalia

Book Review: Progress That Comes With Failure

The author identifies the specific mistakes she made in her business and rues the fact that often the realisation came too late

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Book Review: Standing Still Not An Option

By focusing on issues that are varied and complex, a liberal arts education nudges students into learning how to articulate and evaluate multidimensional, real-world problems

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The Recipe For Good Living

This book is a charming read about a city dweller adapting to village life. For all aspiring villagers seeking to break free of their lanyards, it illustrates the hard work and discipline required to live and work in rural India

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Turning Human Goals into Business Goals

Yunus warns that rising wealth inequality could give rise to social unrest, political polarisation and increasing tensions between groups

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Case Analysis: Fix The System

Money in the bank has a psychological effect. We are familiar with the sense of well being that comes from a healthy bank balance. Will we have that same sense if we are not certain of accessing our money whenever we want to?

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Ear To The Ground

The book touches on the need to move from a ‘Jugaad’ approach to something more struct- ured and sustainable

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