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Articles for Wellness

Why me? A Journey From ‘Victim’ To ‘Take Charge’ Mindset

It is important to take charge of the situation. Taking charge starts from the thoughts and leads to action. You can always take action and change your own situation

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A Holistic Approach Towards Weight Loss!

Mother Nature has an bountiful source of nutritional worth which can treat the deadliest of all diseases. What a pill cannot accomplish, a natural herb or spice can, and weight-loss is no exception

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"How To Stop Overthinking"

It will take a conscious effort to become aware and change your habit of overthinking. But the effort is totally worth it

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VITALITY HOURS: Indias First Wellness Festival

VITALITY HOURS aims to bring the “Self” into focus by living consciously and making the right lifestyle choices as an individual & a collective community.

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Distress Or De-Stress…Your Preference

Pressures of life are so great that they affect us physically and mentally. It’s no wonder we find people undergoing tremendous stress and strain. Is there any way to attain stress-free living?

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Let’s Go Fly A Kite!

First and foremost we need a Connection to our Higher Power before everything else in our life can become fun and before we can fully manifest Safety, Self-Esteem, Love and Physical Needs

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Congratulations! You Are Expecting embrace each day…

During pregnancy encircle yourself with yoga. One want to stay in shape and do what is best for your baby-to-be. In our go-go-go world, yoga offers a much-needed opportunity to slow down and connect with your baby and the transformation you are experiencing

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Time Your Supplements Right

You can derive maximum health benefits by taking certain supplements at times better suited for them in the day

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Stress & Anxiety - Biggest Challenges In Corporate World

The eminent panel discussed about the mental health issues at workplace and how to cope with it

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How To Take Care Of Your Body

The panellists discussed that one should take care of their body for their own holistic well being

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