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Articles for Policy

My boss And Me Had Been Friendly. But Now, He Is Making Romantic Approach Which I Want To Resist Before It Gets Too Serious. Friend Zoning Him May Even End Up Hurting My Career Or A Nice Frie

My boss and me are quite friendly and share a lot of things. But sometimes he gets flirty which makes me feel uncomfortable. He is making a romantic approach which I want to resist but I'm worried that it would hurt my career or our friendship. What should I do?

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When It Comes To Speaking In Front Of Seniors, I Often Fumble And Stammer Even When I Am Not Nervous. Why Is This So And How Can I Stop This?

My communication skills are above normal and I never have problems talking to my peers or juniors. It is only the seniors who make me fumble. I am not scared of them. In fact, most of them are quite co-operative. But yet, I lose words while talking to them. How do I improve?

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My Boss Is Doing Something Unethical. But He Is Powerful And Popular. Should I Blow The Whistle?

My Boss is doing something unethical (I do not want to divulge details). I know because I work closely with him. I have not protested or talked to anyone about it yet. However, I feel guilty about it. This job is important to me since I am the single bread earner of the family. Blowing the whistle can result in my job loss since he is a very powerful person. What should I do?

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I Have Committed To Join A Job Soon. During Salary Negotiations, I Quoted My Expectations Very Less. Now, I Have Better Offer From Another Company. Should I Accept It Or Re-Negotiate With The

I understand it will cause a lot of inconvenience to the HR if I do not join in such short notice. I am also not sure if it will it be ethical too to negotiate with the second prospect on the basis of the current offer that I have in hand. Money is important to me but I am morally torn on which step to take. Please guide

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I Am Marrying My Colleague. Both Of Us Work In Different Teams. But Yet, Our Jobs Require Us To Coordinate With Each Other. What Are The Complexities I Should Be Avoiding And How?

I fell in love with my colleague and we are going to marry soon. We work in two different teams but we have to coordinate with each other on some projects. What complexities should I avoid and how?

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My Boss Is Biased And I Am Not in Good Terms With His Favourite. The person Is Painting Me Bad In Front Of Boss. What Should I Do?

My manager is biased towards one team member. This creates a lot of divide in the team and makes others unhappy. At a personal level, it’s even more difficult for me since I am not in good terms with his favourite employee. As a result, he vindictively paints my bad picture to the boss. What should I do? I don’t want to leave the job just because of this issue. Neither is our HR department strong enough to help me out. Please suggest.

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My Wife Is Senior To Me In The Same Office. It Hurts My Male Ego. How Do I Deal With It?

My wife and I met in the same office and now we are also working together. My wife is in a higher position than me and I often hear my colleagues make fun of me and taunt me at work. It hurts my ego. I don’t want to behave like a chauvinist but the fact is it is hurting my mental peace and also our relation. Changing job will hurt both our careers since we are both well placed in our respective responsibilities. What should I do?

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I Am A Team Leader. My Boss Doesn’t Like The Performance Of One Of My Subordinates And Wants Me To Fire Him. I Think He Can Improve But My Boss Is Not Convinced. What Should I Do?

My boss wants me to fire my junior for bad performance. I think he can improve but boss isn’t convinced. What should I do? Should this be presented as my decision, my boss’, or the company’s?

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I Had Resigned From My Last Company After A Fight With My Reporting Manager. Now, My Next Company Wants To Have A Background Verification And Do A Reference Check From My Last Boss. What Shou

My last boss had threatened to "ruin my career" when we fought. I do not trust he will give a good feedback even if I request him now or apologise on the issue. What are my options?”

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I Have A Crush On My Boss. He Is Handsome And Single. Should I Propose To Him?

My boss and I spend a lot of time working late hours or travelling outstations. As a result, I started liking him and I believe the feelings are mutual. Should I propose to him?

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