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Articles for Policy

My Boss Has A Habit Of Calling Me At Odd Hours & Holidays To Discuss Work. People Who Have Complained About It Earlier Had Been Shunned Aside During Appraisals. I Don’t Want To Rebel. But At

I am thinking about leaving the company just because of this reason. But this is a good company and I love my job. I am in a dilemma

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My Boss Is Trying To Be My Friend. He Is A Good Person But I Don’t Feel Like Going Out With Him Or Sharing Personal Talks With Him. How Do I Handle The Situation Without Offending Him?

I don't like sharing my personal stuff with my boss. He asks me for a coffee every other day and shows interest in my family matters. I don't feel comfortable. What should I do?

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I Overheard My Name Being Discussed In A Closed Door Meeting Of The Seniors Where My Boss Questioned My Productivity. Though Nobody Officially Blamed Me Of Anything, The Incident Disturbed Me

The higher-ups in our company regularly have private meetings, which are usually very hush-hush behind closed doors. During a recent meeting of theirs, the door was left open and I could hear bits and pieces of their conversation. I overheard my name and my boss questioning my productivity. I am quite disturbed.

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My Boss Steals My Ideas And Takes Credit In Front Of His Boss. Though It Doesn’t Amount To Any Direct Loss To My Professional Reputation, I Still Feel Disturbed And Short Changed. How To Hand

Every new idea I present to my boss, in turn, gets presented as his. He takes credit in front of the super boss. I don’t feel good about it.

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My Boss Comes To Office Late & Expects Team Members To Stay Overtime. He Schedules Most Of The Meetings After The Working Hours. We Do No Productive Work In Those Extra Hours. Is There A Way

We work in a small company with HR having limited power. Major decisions are driven by the promoter and my boss is among his favourites. I do not intend to be seen as someone who does not want to work. I just want to maintain a good work-life balance. Is that a possibility here or should I look out for other options?

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My Boss Is Taking Too Much Interest In My Personal Life. He Is A Good Person To Work With But This Habit Of His Is Annoying And Intrusive. How Do I Deal With It?

My boss is a good person to work with. But his habit of interfering in personal life is quite annoying. He asks me questions on my married life which I don’t like. I cannot tell him directly since he is a sensitive person. What should I do?

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I Am An Entrepreneur. I Have Employed My Friend Thinking He Will Be A Good Support. However, It Turned Out That We Have Different Ideas And Working Style. How Do I End The Relationship Smooth

He is very humble and nice. He helped me out during our college days. However, he is very lazy and laid back. He has no wish to work. He still does not expect to be suspended as he is my friend. Now that I have got smarter employees, I would like to replace the old ones who aren’t as good. How should I tell my friend that he has caused a lot of disruptions in the office and thus I cannot let him work here for much longer

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I Work In A Start-up. The CEO Often Asks Me To Help Her With Her Personal Work. I Feel Like I Always Have To Say Yes Because She’s The Boss, But Sometimes I Would Prefer To Focus On My Actual

We are a small group of five professionals. The CEO asks me for personal favours during office hours (example: help me choose a venue for my next party). I want to say no but could not as she is my boss. How to deal with this situation?

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During Performance Review Meeting, My Feedback Regarding Team Members Leaked Back To My Team. This Created A Lot Of Tension And Made Me A ‘Bad Person’ In The Team. How Should I Deal With This

We have a 360-degree performance review process where HR calls for feedback on team members and immediate seniors from every employee. I was new to the company and openly shared my views the first time I was called for the review process. This later leaked back to my team and people feel like I have acted like a traitor. This is resulting into team members not cooperating with me. I tried talking but it did not help. Others got defensive and did not understand my viewpoint. What should I do in such situations?

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