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The author is a business and geopolitical thinker, Ex Asia Pacific CEO for a large multinational firm and lives in Hong Kong.

Latest Articles By SANJAY VERMA

Demonetisation: Right Wrong Step

There is no way one can find fault with the intent behind the demonetisation announcement. There has been a significant level of undeclared money in the system that has evaded the taxman’s eyes for years. The PM deserves credit for this brave, bold, transformational and historical move

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Demonetisation: A Right Wrong Step!

Getting your arm amputated for a severe infection in your finger is a "Right Wrong Step" no matter how many brownie points one gets for being right! The trick is to treat the finger without losing the arm

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Internet — Threat To Innovation?

We are witnessing incremental improvements and solving smaller problems by simply harnessing the Internet

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Trump Is Winning!

Trump is gaining unprecedented support because he is selling xenophobia. In a world where income disparity is increasing and everyone aspires to be wealthy, it’s very tempting to buy this xenophobia laced quick-fix utopia

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Is Internet Becoming The New Threat To Innovation?

We need to do something to stop this intoxicating cocktail of "innovation" and "commerce" that's being swallowed by the promising talent through the vortex called the internet

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