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Amit Kapoor .


Dr Amit Kapoor is President & CEO of India Council on Competitiveness, Honorary Chairman at Institute for Competitiveness, India and Editor-in-Chief of Thinkers (Magazine). He is as well an instructor with Harvard Business Publishing in the area of Strategy, Competitiveness and Business Models. He is a public speaker and has been invited by Kennedy School of Government, Harvard Law School, Pennsylvania State University and Stanford University, World Economic Forum et al to present his views on various issues and themes like strategy, shared value, social progress, competitiveness and economic development. Amit as well maintain a public website at

Latest Articles By Amit Kapoor .

Social Progress: Reflections & Insights

The majority of the high population countries including India (SPI Rank 98) and China (SPI Rank 84) are laggards in terms of social progress. India and China account for more than 2 billion of the global population and fall in lower and lower-middle tiers of spi 2016, respectively

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Political And Economic Implications Of Brexit

The days ahead for the UK as well as for EU are uncertain and risk prone and require astute political leadership to resolve the crisis that the nation presently faces

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