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Divakar Prakash


The author is a Strategy Consultant with experience of consulting CEO level executives and key stakeholders in Real Estate , Government, Not for Profit, FMCG and Chemical sectors. Educated at the School of Management ,University of St-Andrews consistently a top ranked institution in Europe at Master's level in business Strategy, Corporate Finance and General Management

Latest Articles By Divakar Prakash

A Reinvigorated Supply Chain Is The Need Of The Hour in COVID-hit Times

The best way forward is to optimise the existing network and make it more agile, low-risk concentration across the nodes and the processes with the full-scale visibility of the supply chain network of organisations

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The Post-Covid-19 World Will Be One Of Resilience

Existing operating models need introspection and re-evaluation, with focus on resilience and agility. Monitoring productivity, tracking incidence, redeploying idle talent in areas of business facing demand surges and partnering with other companies to redeploy external talent for the broader cause, may be required at the moment.

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COVID-19: A Juddering Halt To The Human Progress

There needs to be differentiated approaches of lifting the lockdown such as rural vs urban, industrial vs the service, heavily infected vs not infected. Prior lessons learned in India from the repurpose and redeployment of the skills needed nationwide during natural calamity and floods.

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Robust Business Model - A Game Changer in Competitive World

The model reflects the basic means, by which it creates a value proposition, delivers value to consumers and collects revenue from customers to make a profit

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Strategic Narrative: A Compelling Voice For Businesses

The leaders may be setting the direction, road map and the end destination of the narrative it is important of the employees to see their individual clear role to get the organization there

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Business Transformation: Indispensable Choice For Leaders

The transformation involves changing the very essence of the company let us say the diversification decisions and changing the business line all together

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Trends Rebalancing The World Order

Understanding trends is an important skill for today's leaders when the economies have become more precarious and interdependent

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Value Based Management: A Strategic Panacea for High Productivity

The value based management works on some of the key premise

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Accountability: New Mantra For Successful Leader

Successful leaders practice the virtue of accountability. The term might be ubiquitous but it is a vital input to better results and high performance

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Leader As Strategist

Bold and visionary leaders take their companies in the exciting new directions. Their confidence and right decision making ability are crucial for leadership and change

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