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Shubhi Tandon


The author is special correspondent at Digital Market Asia, is fascinated by the evolving digital media industry, and has focussed on tracking developments in the field in Asia Pacific.

Latest Articles By Shubhi Tandon

Getting Rid Of The E-waste

The E-waste Hum Le Jayenge campaign using the digital, social media and radio seeks to engage with people on how to dispose e-waste responsibly

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Celebrating Love That Is Rare

Platinum Days of Love’s campaign #LoveSoRare for its new season’s collection celebrates rare love with 30 digital films inspired by 30 designs

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#ItsTheNew: Break The Boring Habits

The digital film shows one of the most customary greetings like Aur Bata, What’s New, being answered with Taco Bell’s latest Chicken Wrap

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Behavioural Science And Advertising

Brands typically show off and bombard the listeners with a list of the reasons why they’re wonderful

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Give Life To Others

Fortis’s latest ‘More to Give’ campaign seeks to communicate the emotional payoff for the donor by showing how he can live on in others

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FB’s Guide On How To Create Videos With Stills For Ads

Create to convert is an easy framework to add lightweight motion to still images to make effective DR ads

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Ad Infinitum: Cashless Joys

The TVCs featuring Dhoni and Pankaj Kapur seek to promote the everyday use of Mastercard by busting myths around digital payments

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India Is Very Important For Red Hat: Tim Yeaton, Global EVP & CMO

Red Hat’s Tim Yeaton, Global EVP and CMO shares with BW Businessworld’s Shubhi Tandon on how they market themselves and their India plans

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Ikea Enters The Playing Field

The campaign is a series of short films in which some iconic Ikea products speak and express their personality

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Using Star Power To Sell Used Cars

The campaign uses real-life relatable characters to highlight the problems people face while selling their cars and shows how Cars24 makes the exercise so convenient

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