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Kiran Karnik


Kiran Karnik is an independent policy and strategy analyst, and Chair, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi

Latest Articles By Kiran Karnik

The Benefits Of Tree Felling

This tree felling in a forest area is for the very laudable cause of facilitating the movement of Kanwariyas

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Wrong-side Driving

In a world of AI, automation and robots - all bound by training, rules and algorithms - metaphorical wrong-side driving may yet be a saviour

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Budget Blues And Booms

Though the economy is said to be doing well in comparison with the rest of the world, one analysis shows growth slowed to about 2.5 per cent per year from 2019, as compared with about five per cent pre-pandemic

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Entertainment Escapades

Like beauty – and entertainment – joy, too, lies in the eye of the beholder

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Segregation, Bins And Bans

Questions and contrary views, especially for “environmental extremists” to think about ...

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Kiran's Kontrarian Korner: Boundaries Matter

Yet, even as we cross and erase boundaries, some obstinately remain. We can only dream, with John Lennon, “Imagine….there’s no countries….”

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Sustaining Development

Enlightened self-interest requires that the private sector must no longer shirk its responsibility with regard to the community or to the environment which sustains them

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Climate For Development

It is important to note that past emissions, which have led to the present global crisis, have overwhelmingly come from developed countries. This historical responsibility cannot be wished away

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