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Dr Manoj Kutteri


At mantan Wellness Director, Dr. Manoj Kutteri who has two decades of experience in the wellness industry in India and abroad, Doctorate in Health Sciences from the United States and carries extensive knowledge in the mind-body medicine, along with a forte in Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Nutrition, Acupuncture, Yoga & Physical Culture and Psychology

Latest Articles By Dr Manoj Kutteri

Diet And Exercises To Manage Your Hypertension

One of the major reasons for high blood pressure are wrong dietary habits, lack of physical exercise and poor sleep

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Stress Management - Breathing Exercises for Relaxation

Stress response can be reduced by conscious movement of the diaphragm. Deep breathing causes increased oxygen saturation and reduced carbon dioxide concentration which relaxes the muscles of diaphragm and ribs

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These Simple Exercises Which Will Help You Recover Normal Body Ache During Work

One hour of cycling or walking a day can greatly reduce the harmful effects of long sitting

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These Simple Exercises Will Help You Recover Normal Body Ache During Work

One hour of cycling or walking a day can greatly reduce the harmful effects of long sitting

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How To Be Healthy By Eating Healthy

Here are some factors one should keep in mind to achieve optimal health through healthy eating

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