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K. Satish


The author is a New York-based independent marketing consultant

Latest Articles By K. Satish

Sexual Harassment At Workplace

There must be a clearly articulated policy on the ‘consequences of infractions’ that cut across hierarchies and genders including appropriate penalties for false allegations, post facto changes of perception from ‘consensual’ to ‘coerced’ and any attempt to blackmail. The penalties may range from a simple warning to a reprimand to termination

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What Is Success?

For the CEO of a corporation ‘success’ perhaps means a steady and ‘better-thanbenchmarked competitors’ growth in the top line, bottom line and market cap

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Think Locally, Sink Globally

No country can do (or make) everything, and to succeed, each must focus on what it is can do best, i.e., where it has a clear competitive advantage

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Corporate Social - Responsibility, Requirement Or Ruse?

India has mandated corporate social responsibility under Section 135 of the Indian Companies Act 2013, setting thresholds based on net worth, turnover, profit and age

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The Hole Truth Of Marketing

Does a person buy a Rolex to know the time? An upwardly mobile millennial buys a BMW to get from point A to point B? An industrialist buys a Mont Blanc pen to write? The answers are obvious: all these objects are clearly 'drills'

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Information, Knowledge, Wisdom & The CEO

Wisdom lies in knowing all battles are not worth fighting for – and making a tactical retreat when the hillock cannot be captured. Good Generals know that, not all CEOs do

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Maggi, Nano And Dant Kanti

The Nano, a brilliant and novel product, dream child of the venerable Ratan Tata, sadly, became the biggest victim of wrong positioning

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