Telegram CEO Pavel Durov is facing a formal investigation in France amid serious allegations related to criminal activities on his messaging platform. The French prosecutor announced that Durov is being investigated for suspected offenses including complicity in illegal gang transactions, organised crime laundering, and failure to provide crucial information to authorities.
Durov has been placed under judicial supervision and is required to report to French police twice a week, with bail set at USD 5.56 million.
Durov was detained at Paris’s Bourget Airport on a warrant connected to Telegram’s alleged lack of content moderation. The investigation follows accusations that the platform has been used to facilitate fraud, drug trafficking, and the distribution of child pornography. The French National Office for Minors had previously reported significant issues with Telegram’s response to court requests concerning trafficking, hate speech, and pedophilia.
The arrest of Durov has ignited a debate over freedom of speech, drawing criticism from Russia. The Russian Foreign Ministry condemned the French authorities, accusing them of violating international norms regarding free expression. Despite the tensions, Russian officials have attempted to reassure users about the future of the app.